2022 Feast of Tabernacles

As if on cue, the intense smoke from far away forest fires lifted, making way for a breathtaking millennial panorama. It was a stunning scene which seemed so apropos, like an inauguration of the Feast. At that time, 118 joyful children of God came together from near and far to praise God for the coming reign of Jesus Christ, when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4).
They gathered for the first Holy Day, then mingled at a meet and greet and moved about from tabernacle to tabernacle (suite to suite) fellowshipping, strengthening old friendships and creating new ones. Youth played poolside, played volleyball and participated in many other exciting outdoor games. Seniors enjoyed a luncheon in which they exchanged stories of Feasts gone by. The adventurous explored vineyards and climbed mountains. The less adventurous played golf, played indoor games and lounged by the hot tub. But no matter what people did to pass the time, it seemed like everyone experienced a truly delightful and spiritually meaningful Feast of Tabernacles.
Osoyoos has been a treasured destination in Canada for Feast-goers for four years and we are looking forward to another in 2023. Hope to see you there!