2022 Feast of Tabernacles
Drumheller, Alberta, Canada

We had 157 brethren at God’s Feast in Drumheller this year, including brethren from across Canada and two couples from the USA. The messages were inspired by God to teach and encourage His children to rejoice together in His awesome plan of salvation for all mankind. The theme of living waters carried through the entire Feast. Messages looked forward to the time when healing and restoration will take place in all things, the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord and people will come up to the mountain of the Lord.
Each day featured outstanding special music including harp music and vocal solos. We also had a quartet, choir and children’s choir. A piano and instrument ensemble (trumpet, tenor saxophone and flute) accompanied our daily hymns. On the first Holy Day there was an ordination of an elder, a very special event!
We had many opportunities to grow our relationships with each other. On the second day of the Feast, we had a champagne welcome reception for all, hosted by the Edmonton congregation, with lots of fellowship, food and beverages. For our teens and young adults there was a meet and greet at the beginning of the Feast and a Bible study later on. We held children’s lessons twice. The seniors’ luncheon was excellent, with 70 attending and performances given by adults and children, including harp, piano, singing and poetry. We held a Tyrell Museum Day, games night, Bible study night, family day at a local outdoor fun park, golf tournament, group buffet dinner and a dinner theater outing.
So many members helped serve in so many ways. It was a heartwarming and bonding time. An abundance of fellowship, bonding as brothers and sisters in Christ and feasting (physical and spiritual) occurred throughout the Feast. We truly rejoiced and praised God together.