United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Jekyll Island, Georgia

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Jekyll Island, Georgia

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Members from across the nation gathered to observe the Feast of Tabernacles at Jekyll Island, Georgia, this year. Numerous families with children attended, which provided sizeable numbers in all age groups. We were blessed with over 120 teens, plus another 125 children in the age bracket of 5-12. Our senior luncheon was well received with over 180 in attendance.

The members were grateful for the ministers visiting from numerous states and were thankful for their uplifting and encouraging messages. The messages this year were a good reminder of God’s beautiful plan, but also relayed a sense of urgency so that we continue to prepare for the coming Kingdom of God. Many commented that they felt this was their “best Feast ever.”

Three Bible studies were provided, along with a seminar that encouraged members to improve in helping others who are hurting.

Our family day, at the beach pavilion, was well attended with over 600 members coming together for a picnic, fellowship and games on the beach. Our activities included a golf tournament, teen dance, mixers for the pre-teens, teens and young adults, a family dance, youth education classes, teen bowling and golf, family day, a senior luncheon and a beach party for the teens.

It was wonderful for several families to experience a type of “family reunion,” with some groups having 15 to 30-plus relatives in attendance. There is great satisfaction when our physical family is also connected to God’s spiritual family. All glory and honor belong to God for inviting us to His Feasts, which remind us of our glorious future in His Family!

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