2022 Feast of Tabernacles
Mirebalais, Haiti

Our brethren in Haiti combined with an affiliated group to observe the Feast this year. God’s Feast of Tabernacles was held in Mirebalais, Haiti, with more than 500 in attendance. Strife and violence exist in most of Haiti, but Mirebalais, located in the hills about an hour and a half drive from the capitol of Port-au-Prince, is mostly quiet. This was the first combined Feast sponsored by the United Church of God and a local church that has adopted our beliefs and doctrines, including the observance of God’s Holy Days. This combined group celebrated the future peaceful reign of Jesus Christ for eight days. These people pray and dream of a world so different from the land they are living in today.
UCG deacon Joseph Jean and pastor Michelet Derisme delivered messages of hope and prosperity to this group who were able to enjoy a feast of food and drink (including meat!) during God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles. Music filled the air as all truly celebrated for the first time in several years (due to COVID-19 and civil war). The brethren were able to catch a small glimpse of God’s wonderful Kingdom of God.