United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Mufulira, Zambia

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Mufulira, Zambia

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The Feast of Tabernacles remains an important and joyous festival as it depicts the coming Kingdom of God when mankind will have an opportunity to reign and dwell with God. But even as we celebrate these festivals on earth, we are to enjoy and rejoice, and that is what we saw in Zambia when 118 people gathered to celebrate the Feast. Some traveled 600 kilometers (over 370 miles) just to be among God’s chosen people.

The Feast was characterized with special music in the local language from youth, women and the choir. Bible studies discussed the Church’s fundamental beliefs, making our evenings fruitful as people were interested in learning the truth. Playing games, watching movies and rehearsing hymns were among the activities.

Sermons and sermonettes held similar messages pointing to the coming Kingdom in the world tomorrow. We extended love by visiting four members that did not make it to the Feast due to sicknesses. It was such an encouraging experience to the brethren as joy was seen in their eyes, in the words they said and in the warm welcome they gave us.

On a special Sabbath six people were added to the family of God through baptism and the laying on of hands.

We thank God for the peaceful Feast we had and all the people who supported us financially. Thank you all for your prayers.

Rodrick Epomba

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