2022 Feast of Tabernacles
Panama City Beach, Florida

This year 900 brethren gathered in Panama City Beach, Florida, to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day. The only thing warmer than the sunshine were the smiles and hearts of the brethren grateful to be together before God!
Opening night services were charged with the excitement of the Feast as the welcome video set the perfect tone. Many brethren commented on how the uplifting the message was, combining the awesome images of nature and inspiring music to capture the millennial setting all look forward to.
After services on the first day of the Feast, young adults gathered to meet, greet and plan for the rest of the Feast. The teens enjoyed a hospitality with an ice cream sundae bar and get-to-know-you activities. The day was capped off by two baptisms in the beautiful Gulf waters.
On Wednesday, the seniors enjoyed a luncheon at the ever-popular Captain Jack’s Seafood Buffet. A large group of young adults met for an afternoon of fun at Coconut Creek with miniature golf and a giant maze. That evening, 175 brethren of all ages gathered for the Feast dance.
On Friday evening, three Bible studies were held. The general Bible study was presented by Jim Wilkins, in which he expounded on the book of Hosea and God’s relationship with Israel. A young adult Bible study about finding joy in all aspects of life was conducted by Chris Shude. Stephen Bouchette talked with the teens, drawing a parallel between a few grains of sand and the beach to our present lives and the amount of time we will have in the Kingdom.
We are very grateful that God placed His name in Panama City Beach this year. The messages were truly inspiring and the fellowship was outstanding. We pray that all brethren had as enjoyable and rejuvenating a Feast as we did. We look forward to the return of Christ, when this foretaste of the Kingdom of God will be enjoyed by all mankind!