2022 Feast of Tabernacles
Vanuatu Islands

In the Vanuatu Islands in the Pacific, 40 people were able to keep the Feast in the bush village UCG tabernacle. They were able to connect to the Sunshine Coast Feast site with modern technology and enjoy every service being webcast. They enjoyed family day and a lot of Feast activities following the Feast schedule of services and activities.
An American family donates money each year for the Vanuatu members’ Feast that enables them to buy a whole beef and extra food items so they can really feast, island-style. The Vanuatu members are very thankful for this and for the ability to generate power and use technology to have a very meaningful sermonette and sermon each day, giving them the vision of the Kingdom of God and His plan for all mankind. Thank you for all the support to this island community of God’s family in the Pacific.
On Thursday after the Feast, we traveled to Vanuatu at the members’ request to visit with the members. They traveled to Port Villa from some of the outer islands for the Feast and some wished to be baptized.
After travelling on a very difficult road to the village in the middle of the island where the Feast was held, Bill baptized five people after Sabbath services in a big new tub purchased for the occasion and placed on a platform. All the members and children stayed to witness a serious, but joyful ceremony.
They all enjoyed an island lunch. Afterwards, a blessing ceremony was held for seven children followed by a marriage blessing for a recently married couple from an outer island. It was a very full day of joy and thanksgiving to our great God and Jesus Christ.