United Church of God

2022 Feast of Tabernacles: Winneba, Ghana

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2022 Feast of Tabernacles

Winneba, Ghana

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The 2022 Feast of Tabernacles in Ghana took place in Cape Coast in the Central Region (there are 16 regions in Ghana). The coastal city was host to congregants from Accra, Agona Abirem, Agona Kwanyako, Kumasi, Winneba, Yeji and the new congregations of Cape Coast, Elmina and Takoradi—the latter two cities are further west of Cape Coast. We had a high attendance of 283.

Notable themes across the various messages during this year’s festival included love, Christian values and the mental attitude believers must have to walk in the way of God. The messages also served as pointers to the task that lies ahead for Christian soldiers in a world that continues to stray further and further away from the truth—the Word of God.

Volunteers were on hand to translate messages from English to the local Twi or Fante and vice versa. Individuals and groups of brethren contributed special music in between messages to enhance a spiritually edifying Feast.

Brethren who had not met in person for a long time used the afternoons to catch up and fellowship with each other. This also created the space to welcome the members from the aforementioned new congregations.

Brethren also came together for bonding through indoor and outdoor games, which included ludo, draft, playing cards, apple-eating contest, football and volleyball. A visit to the Cape Coast castle was capped with a beach get-together where brethren treated themselves to a variety of foods while making merry and having fun as one big family. We remain thankful to international donors who contribute to the family-focused activities at the Feast.

A youth-centered educational Bible quiz was again held this year following its successful debut last year. The quiz was introduced with the objective of encouraging the youth to constantly engage in personal Bible studies. This year’s quiz was so keenly contested that the final round ultimately went down to a tie-breaker for a winner to emerge. The experience for both contestants and audience was as educational as it was wholesomely entertaining.

The Eighth Day came with news of four attendees who had been baptized. Indeed, it was a splendid and distinctive way to cap the Feast of Tabernacles and to acknowledge God’s blessings throughout those amazing eight days!

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