United Church of God

2024 Camp Report: Gilmont

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2024 Camp Report


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Year two of Camp Gilmont, located in the Piney Woods of East Texas, was a resounding success! From June 2–5, 49 preteen campers along with 26 adult and 15 teen staff enjoyed a camp experience that was abundant with God’s blessings. We had Texas-size storms come through all four days, but fortunately we could work around them schedule-wise and they kept the weather wonderfully cool. Areas around us experienced downed trees and prolonged power outages lasting days; however, our camp only lost power for an hour one afternoon.

The theme “Stand Strong” was well-received and reinforced with the various activities. In the Christian living classes, we talked about different ways we can stand strong in God’s Way in this darkened world around us. The campers made shields with “Stand Strong” engraved on them as a reminder of what God expects from us all.

Fun activities included the swimming pool that featured a splash pad. Canoeing, sports, hiking, water games, arts and crafts, hammock circle, Bible charades, an evening campfire with s’mores and free time under the pavilion were enjoyed by all. The pavilion featured a gaga ball area, basketball, a nine square game and a carpetball table.

It is a labor of love for our adult and teen volunteers to come serve at camp. It is vital and much appreciated. We couldn’t have camp without you! There were a lot of prayers offered both before and during camp, and God worked all things out for good. As always, camp went by very quickly, and we’re looking forward to Camp Gilmont again next year in late July 2025!

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