54th Northwest Family Weekend Held in Portland, Oregon

This year, the event was held Dec. 27-29, a week after the Winter Family Weekend in Cincinnati. Nearly 280 people from the Northwest gathered at Hudson’s Bay High School in Vancouver, Washington, for three days of biblical learning and enjoyable activities.
Opening the weekend was a Bible study presented by Rex Sexton on the “Christ is coming very soon” perspective of 1 Peter contrasted with the “Christ may not return for thousands of years” mindset of 2 Peter.
Our special guest for the weekend was Jorge de Campos. His presentation on God’s growing Portuguese work was an inspiration for everyone. Mr. de Campos also gave the Sabbath sermon on the theme of “Keeping God’s Focus.” Mr. Roberto Parada gave the teen and young adult Bible study, touching on a number of issues that have been raised at our teen camps in recent years.
Saturday evening, the family dance featured a live 18-piece band playing a wide variety of excellent dance music. The teen dance featured lots of decorations and line dance music so the teens could dance to the familiar songs and steps taught at summer camp.
Sunday featured volleyball and basketball games, and four seminars: “Financial Freedom” by Aaron and Caryn Alles, “Are you Convicted or Convinced?” by Jeff Richards, “Why are Friends Important?” by Fred Reeves and “Connecting in a ‘Connected World’” by Ben Light. The weekend concluded with a pizza and games evening for teens and families. On Monday, Dec. 30, 17 pastors and elders from the Northwest met for a day of discussions and fellowship.