WATCH LIVE! We will be webcasting local services in Sioux Falls and Brookings most Sabbaths and Holy Days. Visit our Calendar page for specific times (Central Time). Please contact Nick Lamoureux for the password.
If you experience any issues with the reception of the webcast, please email
There will be a weekly Sabbath webcast at 2:30 pm CT. In addition, there will be periodic Wednesday evening Bible Studies at 7:30 pm CT. Please contact Vince Szymkowiak for the webcast password. If you encounter any issues with this live stream, consider joining the phone bridge. Instructions for the phone bridge are on the St. Louis "Posts" tab. The number is 978-990-5000 then 202011#
Our normal time for services in St Petersburg is 10:30 am EDT. Our Sabbath webcast is primarily to serve the needs of our members who are not able to attend services due to illness or other circumstances. If you would like to request a password, please email our pastor, at
All are invited to watch our Sabbath webcast. Please check our calendar for the time of services each week. Connect through the local webcast button on our UCG Tacoma web page. Please check with our pastor if you need the password.
Our normal time for services in Tampa is 2:30 pm EDT. Our Sabbath webcast is primarily to serve the needs of our members who are not able to attend services due to illness or other circumstances. If you would like to request a password, please email our pastor, at