by Peter Eddington
The United Church of God has printed 11.432 million copies of its booklets since 1996.
Bible Study Course Lesson 9
by United Church of God
In lesson 10 we learn how those who receive the Holy Spirit are members of the Body of Christ, the Church.
by Good News
Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the July/August 2013 issue.
by Good News
In the face of spiraling national problems, what can you personally do to protect yourself from the present morally adverse atmosphere?
by Good News
Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the September/October 2014 issue.
Bible Study Course Lesson 8
by United Church of God
It is beyond the scope of this lesson to cover everything God does for us through His Spirit. Read the next lesson.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Does the Bible talk about apostasy? What should Christians know about avoiding apostasy?
by Good News
Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the May/June 2013 issue.
Bible Questions and Answers
I am a 32-year-old mother of two and have been married for four years. I need assistance to get on the right path. It wasn't until I received a card in the mail for The Good News and went to your Web site that I gained the courage to write...
by Dan Dowd
What is the purpose of life? Why were we born? What is man's destiny? What happens after death? Can we answer the big questions of life—and if so, who has the answers?
by Mike Bennett
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by major decisions with no clear answers. This seven-step process can help.
by United Church of God
What is the greatest inheritance?
by Good News
Readers of the Good News share their thoughts in the January/February 2013 issue.