Honoring Retiring Ministry
Jerold and Mary Ann Aust

Mr. Aust shares some highlights of their time spent serving:
“Much of my service for the past 25 years was in UCG’s Media and Communications. My roles included Senior Writer for the Good News and Beyond Today magazines, radio and TV, personal correspondence, and reviewer of the United News and BT Dailies. At the same time, I pastored two churches and coordinated the Panama City Beach Feast site for nine years.
“In 2007-08, Fox News’ journalist Alan Colmes interviewed me on his national radio show on Christmas and Easter. He asked me how I convinced people to see the truth about Christmas. I answered with the Fox News’ slogan: ‘We report, you decide.’ After the first interview on Christmas, my jwaust.com counter spiked to 43,122 hits. These are archived on https://www.ucg.org/sermons/christmas-interview and https://www.ucg.org/members/news/alan-colmes-interviews-gn-writer-about-.... Over a few years, I interviewed a number of national commentators, including Mr. Michael Medved, Dr. Gary Smalley, Dr. Pat Love, Dr. Phillip Johnson, Mr. Joe Kovacs and others (archived).
“In 1994, I received an accredited Master’s Degree in Communication from California State University, Fullerton. I then studied one semester at USC, Los Angeles, since I was asked to pursue a doctorate in communication for Ambassador University, Big Sandy, Texas. In 1995-96 I studied media at Fullerton College (radio/TV/Voice-overs/Public Relations). For my personal and professional development, I earned a distance learning doctorate in communication (2005-06; summa cum laude). For seven years, I taught communication at the University of South Alabama, Mobile (2000-07), and many more years at Ambassador Bible College, teaching communication and Revelation.
“I give much credit to my wife Mary Ann, former head Librarian of Ambassador College, Pasadena who has been my biggest supporter. She is a very competent editor for my articles and an invaluable help to me in my ministry. We also extend deep appreciation to our son Dr. Philip Aust and our daughter Dr. Crystal Thomas who have dedicated their lives to serving God’s Church and who, with their families, have continued serving the saints. Our goal is to help humankind reach its ultimate destiny. Finally, I’ll share this thought about our wonderful future: ‘Ask more from God than to live with Him forever; ask God for the privilege to serve with Him forever.’”
When reflecting back on the Austs’ service, co-workers, friends and family shared:
Peter Eddington: “…As a senior writer for Beyond Today magazine, editorial reviewer for upcoming articles and as an advisor on our content, [Jerold] made a very valuable contribution to the Church. In addition, his seniority, experience and wisdom—which comes from such long tenure in the employ of the Church these many decades—brought a level of maturity to our department. Thank you Jerold and Mary Ann for all you have done for us!”
Steve Myers: “…Jerold and Mary Ann Aust radiate joy, always reflected in the warmth of their smiles. They have always been a couple dedicated to God—no matter the circumstances. They certainly experienced the ups and downs of life, but always trusted God to see them through. Their example of conviction and confidence models what faith should look like.”
Gerald Seelig: “Our history with [the Austs] goes back several decades. They are a great couple—seeing them work really well together. I hope they continue working that way for many years to come and hope that they truly enjoy their retirement years.”
Philip Aust: “My Dad’s dedication to God and his tireless service to God’s people are standards I strive to emulate daily. Dad, thank you for your conviction to God’s Truth and for being a mentor to me even as I’ve been blessed to follow your footsteps into the pastoral ministry. Congratulations on a job well done!”
Len Martin: “I first met Jerold Aust when I was in my late teens and he was transferred to the Detroit area. I knew him as being firm but fair. His contributions to the Church and the ministry of Jesus Christ are too numerous to mention. I pray he enjoys his retirement, as it is well deserved!”