United Church of God


Darris McNeely Posts

Darris McNeely

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Darris McNeely

Beyond Today Presenter





Contact Darris McNeely

513-576-9796 office
by Darris McNeely

Jacob wrestled with God. Is there a lesson in this "all nighter" for us to consider as we develop a relationship with our Creator?

by Darris McNeely

The vast majority of humanity lives life as it comes... Lulled to sleep by the Prince of the power of the air. How do we as God's people take the Gospel and the Truth that God has revealed to us and communicate that to them? What is it that God can use?

  • by Darris McNeely
Nations don’t die all at once. Various factors contribute over time—cultural shifts, economic challenges, political instability, external pressures. We are witnessing the decline of a great pow-er, America, long blessed by God as an exceptional nation and model for others. People around the world are watching this year’s election. They know it will impact their future.
  • by Darris McNeely
Can a Christian believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but not the Trinity? The Bible reveals that we must so believe—that it’s vital we come to know the true God.
by Darris McNeely

When I was young world conditions seemed to be moving toward a prophetic conclusion. Yet, I chose to live my life in a big ceiling room with large windows letting in light. I choose to live with a positive hope. How did I do this? How can a young person do the same today?

  • by Darris McNeely
The big problems of today’s world provoke fear for the future. Can you really do anything about these looming issues? Here are practical steps you can take to change your world—and prepare to change tomorrow’s world.