United Church of God


Rex Sexton Posts

Rex Sexton

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Rex Sexton





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by Rex Sexton

In this final installment, Mr. Sexton summarizes the 7 changes. Most importantly, God's motivation for us is revealed; that we might exude love from a pure conscience. With abiding faith, that we may finally attain His perfect law of liberty.

by Rex Sexton

In this installment, Mr. Sexton reveals the seventh change between the Old & New Covenants. Above all else, God desires a people after his own heart. The church, upon which Jesus founded, Himself being the Chief Cornerstone, is comprised of people that have been transformed.

by Rex Sexton

In this edition, Mr. Sexton focuses on the various administrative differences between the Levites and ministry. Such changes include receiving the tithe, ordaining, anointing, and overall binding & loosing.

by Rex Sexton

In as much as the accoutrements of Aaron's priestly robe were symbolic of the New Jerusalem, so too was the role he played. In this installment, Mr. Sexton examines the most notable change of covenant, that Jesus Christ has become our high priest.

by Rex Sexton

It is important to continue to grow spiritually so that we can have an entrance given to us into the abundant kingdom the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and let's hope that day comes soon