Where did the recipes come from that are featured on this website?
Most of the recipes that are featured within the Unleavened Recipe section came from the Savoring the Sabbaths cookbook published in 2004.
This is from the inside of the cookbook...
The members of the Cincinnati East, Ohio congregation of the United Church of God have prepared this unique cookbook as a contribution to the Church's "Good Works" program. All of the net proceeds from the distribution of this book will be transferred to the Good Works program, which is dedicated to helping members of the Church all over the world with their special needs. We have taken great joy in this project for many reasons, not least of which are the contributions of recipes and words of wisom that we received from hundreds of brethren all over the world. That makes this project truly a team effort, a family effort! The best expression on the motivation behind its production is found in Galatians 6:10 " As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
Some of the recipes have come from individuals who have submitted their favorite recipe to our website; while, others have come from various UCG local congregation Unleavened Bread cookbooks.
Thank you for all your recipes that are based on the dietary food laws found within the Bible.