I have subscribed to email updates but I cannot find them in my inbox. Where are the messages?
If you have subscribed to receive our email updates and are not getting them in your email inbox. Here are few suggestions that might help.
1. Be sure that you are subscribed to the email updates. Enter your email address at ucg.org/email-subscribe. If you are subscribed then the online form will notify you that the email address is subscribed. If you are not subscribed then complete the online form (choose which email message to subscribe to: UCG.org Daily or Good News Weekly) and submit your information. A verification email will be sent to the provided email address. Please follow the instructions within that email message. If you don't verify the email address then you will not be subscribed.
2. If you have not received an email message please check your spam or junk email folder. Sometimes the messages will be labeled as spam because we post several links inside the message.
3. You can add this contact information to your email contacts:
United Church of God
4. It may be that we have not sent out a message for that day or week. To view archived email messages go to http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=1d04480cefc2e7c4492fe4a04&id=ca167adaef
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