Winter Family Weekend
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Winter Family Weekend 2024
We are excited to announce WFW 2024! Join us from December 24th-28th at Spooky Nook in Hamilton, Ohio. Stay tuned for updates on registration, room rates, schedule, and more!
Champion Mill Parking Map

Spooky Nooks Sports Directory
Champion Mills Conference Center
Dress Code:
Teams will wear appropriate and modest outfits. Clothing must not be excessively tight or revealing. It should provide appropriate coverage and avoid revealing one’s undergarments, midriff, and bosom. Compression tights, leggings, short shorts, halter-tops, and yoga pants without clothing worn over the top are unacceptable. Do not wear clothing with improper or offensive writing or messages. All players must have proper footwear. Uniforms or team shirts are not required. Hair should be a natural color. Appropriate hair length must follow biblical guidelines: short for boys, longer and non-shorn for girls (1 Corinthians 11:14-15). No jewelry should be worn, tattoos are discouraged, and must remain covered during sports activities.